Analytical Limb-darkening Elliptical or Spherical – ALDES
ALDES provides intensity maps (images) or 1d intensity profiles for spherical or elliptical stars showing the limb darkening (LD) effect. Different LD laws are offered: uniform disk, linear, power law, quadratic, square root, logarithmic and four-parameter. The coefficients for each LD law should be provided by the user. If necessary, in the "Documentation and acknowledgments" there are some useful references providing several values of LD coefficients for different LD laws, stellar types, and spectral domains. The analytical forms of the LD laws are also given. The specific intensity maps are normalized such that the center of the image is equal to 1.

The ALDES model was created by A. Domiciano de Souza and N. Bruot.
Limb darkening (LD) coefficients for different LD laws, stellar types, and spectral domains can be found for example in the following papers and catalogues:
Spherically-symmetric model stellar atmospheres and limb darkening. I. Limb-darkening laws,
gravity-darkening coefficients and angular diameter corrections for red giant stars
H.R. Neilson and J.B. Lester
A&A 554, A98 (2013)
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Spherically symmetric model stellar atmospheres and limb darkening. II. Limb-darkening laws,
gravity-darkening coefficients and angular diameter corrections for FGK dwarf stars
H.R. Neilson and J.B. Lester
A&A 556, A86 (2013)
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Limb and gravity-darkening coefficients for the TESS satellite at several metallicities, surface
gravities, and microturbulent velocities
A. Claret
A&A 600, A30 (2017)
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A new non-linear limb-darkening law for LTE stellar atmosphere models. Calculations for
\(-5.0 \leq \log[M/H] \leq +1\), \(2000\,\text{K} \leq T_{\text{eff}} \leq 50000\,\text{K}\) at several
surface gravities
A. Claret
A&A 363, pp. 1081-1190 (2000)
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AMHRA's ALDES service can be acknowledged by:
- Mentioning “This research has made use of the Jean-Marie Mariotti Center (JMMC) — MOIO AMHRA service at”
- The above papers and catalogues should also be acknowledged if used.
Submit your request
To submit your parameters, you can either:- Manually fill the fields below
- Upload a parameters file [sample file]: