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Limb-darkening with SAtlas


Grid of models providing intensity maps for spherically symmetric stars, showing the limb darkening effect. The models were computed with the SAtlas model stellar atmospheres for several spectral bands, from the visible to the near-infrared (BVRIHK, CoRot and Kepler). Data is provided for FGK dwarfs and red giants, for different combinations of effective temperatures, gravities, and masses. Once these parameters and the stellar angular size are defined, the outputs to the user are 1D profiles for the selected bands (ASCII, fits, and pdf figure) and the corresponding intensity maps if required.

The Limb-darkening with SAtlas service was created by A. Domiciano de Souza based on the model by H. R. Neilson and J. B. Lester.

The model is described in the following articles:

  • Spherically-symmetric model stellar atmospheres and limb darkening. I. Limb-darkening laws, gravity-darkening coefficients and angular diameter corrections for red giant stars
    H. R. Neilson and J. B. Lester
    A&A 554, A98 (2013)
    DOI | ads
  • Spherically symmetric model stellar atmospheres and limb darkening. II. Limb-darkening laws, gravity-darkening coefficients and angular diameter corrections for FGK dwarf stars
    H. R. Neilson and J. B. Lester
    A&A 556, A86 (2013)
    DOI | ads

AMHRA's Limb-darkening with SAtlas service can be acknowledged by:

  • Mentioning “This research has made use of the Jean-Marie Mariotti Center (JMMC) — MOIO AMHRA service at https://amhra.jmmc.fr/.”
  • And citing the two articles above.

Submit your request

Fill all the fields and click on “Send data” at the bottom of the page.

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Spectral bands
